Jess and Blake

Jess and Blake

“After meeting at a football netball function one night, Blake was smitten. It took a few years for us to start dating however the night we made it official was the night Blake told me he loved me and it was mutual ❤️

In the next 3 years, we endured lockdown, got our fur baby Ally,  and brought an investment property together.

Friday 23rd of December, we had travelled back home to my hometown. Blake woke up and said we should go for a walk up the hill at the back of my parents (this should have been the first lightbulb moment! He doesn’t like walking, let alone up a hill the night after his work Christmas party!)

We took off with the dog, it was 30 degrees and it’s a steep hill!

Normally there is a bench seat at the top of the hill which overlooks the town, however it was all overgrown and we walked straight past it.

As we started walking down Blake stopped and said he had a sore calf and could we go back up to flatter ground which we did. I turned around to find him on one knee asking me to marry him- which of course I said yes!

Blake and I are 2 peas in a pod. He is my best friend and the love of my life ❤️ I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him.”

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